Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Post-Spring Break Thoughts

by Jake

Pandora station: Copeland

We've entered the stretch run for the school year.  All that's left in each class is a final project.  The job search is in full swing with a dozen applications hitting the ethernet jungle this weekend.  Spring break is over, which means back to the grind, but it also means I'm only a couple months away from big changes.

The biggest decision when interviews and job offers come along will be whether I stay in Pittsburgh or leave for a city on my short-list (Boston, Philly, Seattle, Portland, Denver, and SoCal at the moment).  I've spent my whole life in Pittsburgh, which makes this an increasingly difficult decision.  Everything I know is here; my family, my friends, my church, my alma mater.  Looks like I should stay, but poetic justice has me leave. 

"Why on earth would I want to stay even longer?" my inner-artist asks.  Because it's safe?  That's a poor reason.  Because I want to develop the roots I've planted?  Getting better.  Because I love Pittsburgh?  Makes sense.

Who knows where I will have opportunities when graduation rolls around.  I'll be happy to get a few interviews and an offer or two.  Pittsburgh has a much lower cost-of-living than the other cities mentioned, which would be great for me to build up some savings and pay back loans for a few years before re-evaluating.  On the other hand, I'm young and not tied down to Pittsburgh, so now is probably the best time to leave.

I visited Seattle two summers ago, Philadelphia last semester, and Boston last week.  These are three great American cities for very different reasons.  They each offer different things that are attractive for the young, single, artful Christian male.  In a way, each city felt like home during the visit.  Each city offers a young, hip crowd of musicians and artists and beer-enthusiasts that I'd fit in with.  Each city would bring along a new, exciting adventure.  Each city would get me closer to the ocean.

Am I ready to start over?  I don't really know.  Sometimes I feel ready to try something new and different, sometimes I am terrified to leave what I love.  The best part of the whole equation is that I believe in a faith that tells me God has a plan.  He'll guide me to the decision and I can just be along for the ride.  This thought makes everything seem simpler, but taking the decision out of my hands is a scary thing.  You only live once, though, so we'd better make the most of it.

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