Friday, April 8, 2011

Social Media

by Jake

Pandora station: City and Colour

Last week was the ACPA Conference in Baltimore, MD.  I went to the conference with a cohort of Pitt students as well as a few co-workers from CMU.  I've been thinking about something profound to bring back from the conference, but I'll just map out a few important things that have stuck out to me in the week since.

The Internet is big. 

I went to a few seminars on social media to learn how we can utilize different applications in the office and in the job search.  I am currently preparing a presentation for the office about the things I learned, but there are so many different applications that can be useful that are available for free online.  Besides the old-reliables like Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter, there is a whole collection of media devices that can be useful in the workplace. 

LinkedIn is a professional social networking tool utilized by over one million users.

Polleverywhere can be used to take polls using text messaging or Twitter that can be displayed right in a powerpoint. is a site where you can create a simple online business card.  Here's mine!

Doodle is a site that can help to coordinate meetings.

Weebly is a simple web page creator.

These are all useful resources that an intermediate computer user can utilize in making their office more hi-tech, efficient, and exciting.

The world is small.

That being said, social networking has made this a very tiny place.  I am currently involved in a job search and have had a few interviews, but I don't want to mention any of them with the fear of showing bias for one which might take me out of the running for the others.  Social networking devices like Twitter are fun to use in sharing exciting news, but the Internet has made the world small enough that I know employers can read everything I'm putting online.

With this in mind, we must brand ourselves.  Google yourself; see what comes up.  Are you writing things on Twitter and Blogger that you wouldn't mind a potential employer reading?  Did you remember to take down every embarrassing picture from Facebook?  Do you still have that Myspace account with your high school girlfriend's pet names written all over the comments?  These are some things that need to be addressed and double-checked before the job search gets too intense.

The old school hand-shaking of networking still exists, though, so you had still better be on your best behavior in the real world.  These professional networks on sites like LinkedIn still have to start with the real in-person interactions of the past, so put your best foot forward.  And try to wear a tie.

For more information about using social media in Student Affairs, check out the research done by Rey Junco.


  1. Just googled myself; apparently I'm an ILB out of Columbus, OH with an offer to play at Illinois State.

    Google found my LinkedIn, and also, the last hit on the first page was my ASOD blog. Two out of ten hits are actually me. I need to get more famous (but avoid doing so with embarrassing photos...)

    PS - did you mean to link your card?

  2. I did, got it linked now. Thanks Matt!

  3. There are at least 11 guys in the USA who are named "Eric Stoller." My goal is to have my content in the top ten of any searches for my name...Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

    I even wrote about this very topic once:
    Student Affairs Professionals, Search, and Personal Branding
