Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Heart is in the Work

(or alternately titled, One Reason Why Internships Are Great!)

By Christin

Last week was Spring Break for both Pitt and CMU, so I was off from both school and my internship for an entire week.  What in the world did I do with a whole week off you ask?  I wish I could tell you that I spent it in some warm, tropical location, sipping on frozen drinks with little umbrellas and getting a nice tan.  No such luck for this poor grad student.  However, between watching an entire season of Lost, baking delicious coconut macaroons, and briefly cheering on Pitt in the Big East Tournament, I had a lot of time to veg and think about things.

One thing I kept thinking about was how thankful I am to be doing a job which I enjoy.  I knew I enjoyed this internship, but it wasn’t until I got excited to come back after a week off that I realized it really is a great fit for me.  It’s a job that I can get excited about and really dedicate myself to.

This caused me to reflect on a quote from Carnegie Mellon’s namesake, Andrew Carnegie, who said (like this blog title) “My heart is in the work”.  Even a financial tycoon like Carnegie, who was surely raking in major dough, recognized the importance of enjoying what you do.  I would guess that it wasn’t all about the Benjamins for Carnegie.  And it really shouldn’t be for anyone.

Obviously one’s career is not the entirety of one’s life (though I suppose it definitely can be if you want it to), but we each will spend some 40-odd years in the working world.  That is a mighty long time to be working for the weekend.

Maybe I’m naïve.  After all, having graduated from undergrad only 2 years ago, I haven’t been working for very long.  But I’ve come in contact with people who love their jobs and those who don’t, as I’m sure we all have.  I’m convinced you should do something you enjoy and have passion for—something where you can put your heart into your work.

Now, you may not find what that is immediately, and my post may therefore be frustrating for you to read.  Rest assured that I am in the same boat, and some of what I am saying comes from a place of hope.  I’m still a student, and I am still trying to find a career where I can put my heart into my work.  This process certainly isn’t easy, but it’s worthwhile. 

And this is why I think internships are great—they allow you to try a certain job, gain valuable skills and experience, and see if you actually enjoy the work.  If you’re open and diligent, you’ll find something you enjoy.  You always have time to explore, try new things, and change direction.

1 comment:

  1. I think a spring break watching Lost is a spring break well spent!
